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BIOGRAPHY of a Naturopath.

Dr. Leah Heyman-Birdwell has spent the past ten years volunteering for the United Mitochrondrail Disease Foundation of Middle Tennessee as one of the Regional Chapter leaders until recently. Her passion and drive to "treat" her son's MITO disease naturally and with holistic methods propelled her further into the field that she already respected.

When she began her journey into the medical arena, it was in traditional "western medicine". Her long term goal was to not only obtain her PhD in Nutrition as well as her ND, but to go on to medical school and obtain her MD. However, life got in the way.

Dr. Heyman instead chose to obtain a degree as a Paralegal and lobby for patients rights for alternative medical care.

Battling a rare autoimmune disorder herself, as well as a non functioning immune system, she is well versed in being the 'squeaky wheel' as a patient in order to get the care she needs.

Treating the whole person; mind, body, soul, and spirit will ensure a much healthier outcome than leaving any one of those out of the equation. There is no "quick fix", especially when we abuse our bodies. However, with proper nutirition, rest, hydration, meditation, and grounding, we can restore our bodies back to a place of glowing stablity and health.

The Shopping Doc was established by a PhD, ND that decided a love for helping people find the way to HEALTH was the most important goal to help everyone achieve.   You were only given one body for your entire life.....always strive to be the best YOU possible.

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